For residents being discharged from hospital to a care home/hospice the Public Health Scotland COVID-19 information and guidance for social, community and residential care settings should be followed.
Before a resident is admitted to the care home it is important to risk assess for infection as part of resident’s care plan, an IPC admission assessment should be undertaken by staff.
If you suspect or are aware that a resident has an infection, then details should be confirmed for the correct IPC precautions to be put in place for the safety of the resident and others.
Obtaining infection details may include appropriate clinical samples and/or screening to establish the causative organism which may be on advice from your local GP, IPCT or HPT.
Further information regarding general respiratory screening questions can be found within the resources section of the NIPCM.
Note: If a resident requires isolation because of infection or in an outbreak situation, this should be individually risk assessed to ensure the safety and health and wellbeing needs of the resident. Isolation periods must be monitored on daily basis and be for the minimum period specified.
Appendix 11 of the NIPCM gives you further information on the precautions required for different infections.
Read the placement literature review to understand the evidence base for resident placement.