There are many areas in care homes that become easily contaminated with microorganisms (germs) for example door handles, toilets, waste bins, surfaces.
Furniture and floorings in a poor state of repair can have microorganisms (germs) in hidden cracks or crevices.
To reduce the spread of infection, the environment should be kept clean and dry and where possible clear from clutter and equipment.
Non-essential items should be stored and displayed in such a way as to aid effective cleaning
Keeping a high standard of environmental cleanliness is important in the care home as the residents are often elderly and vulnerable to infections.
The care home environment should be:
Staff should:
Cleaning schedules should include:
Cleaning services should be managed in a systematic way, and staff responsible for cleaning should be appropriately trained to carry out the tasks they are responsible for.
The care home manager is responsible for managing the cleaning service which has a number of essential elements outlined in the cleaning services diagram.
Select the Care Homes Cleaning Specification for full size version of cleaning services diagram.
Select the diagram for full size version
An effective service will include all of the elements above.
The Care Homes Cleaning Specification provides a guide to planning cleaning services. It has tools to help with the planning and recording of cleaning activities and with the management activities marked with a * in the diagram above. These include:
The tools within the Cleaning Specification should be used by the care home manager in the planning, training of staff, delivery, and checking of standards of the cleaning services they provide.
Manufacturer’s instructions and recommended contact times should be adhered to.
Table 2 provides an example of a cleaning schedule and record. These tools are examples and designed to support local practice, however care homes can use their own tools if preferred. If a local tool is used, it should reflect the standards set out in the Care Homes Cleaning Specification.
Table 2: Example cleaning schedule residents room
Each SOP outlines the correct equipment, safety considerations, method, and outcomes required for each task. Table 3 shows the important steps that must be taken during the cleaning of floors.
Table 3: Example cleaning SOP: Floors
A process for checking the cleanliness of the care environment, to ensure standards are being maintained and to identify areas for improvement.
Decontamination of soft furnishings may require to be discussed with the local HPT/ICT. If the soft furnishing is heavily contaminated with blood or body fluids, it may have to be discarded. If it is safe to clean with standard detergent and disinfectant alone then follow appropriate procedure.
If the item cannot withstand chlorine releasing agents staff are advised to consult the manufacturer’s instructions for a suitable alternative to use following or combined with detergent cleaning.
Note: When an organisation adopts decontamination processes not recommended in the CH IPCM the care organisation is responsible for governance of and completion of local risk assessment(s) to ensure safe systems of work.
Read the routine cleaning of the care environment literature review to find out more about why we do things this way for the care environment.