3 - Safe management of the care environment

Isolation room cleaning

Staff should:

a combined detergent/disinfectant solution at a dilution of 1,000 parts per million available chlorine (ppm available chlorine (av.cl.));


a general purpose neutral detergent in a solution of warm water followed by disinfection solution of 1,000ppm av.cl.

Do not refill spray containers for cleaning products as there is a risk of contamination. 

Terminal clean

A terminal clean is carried out when the resident is no longer considered infectious and/or when the environment is cleaned/decontaminated to ensure it is safe for a new resident.

A terminal clean is carried out by:

The room should then be decontaminated using either:

The room should be cleaned from the highest to lowest point and from the least to most contaminated point.

Manufacturers’ guidance and recommended product "contact time" should be followed for all cleaning/disinfection solutions.


Appendix 7 is a poster flowchart for decontamination of reusable non-invasive care equipment that you may wish to print off and place in the care home.


Note: When an organisation use products or adopts practices that differ from those stated in this manual, that individual organisation is responsible for ensuring safe systems of work including the completion of risk assessments approved through local governance procedures.