1.4 Personal Protective Equipment

undefinedBefore undertaking any care task or procedure staff should assess any likely exposure to blood and/or body fluids and ensure PPE is worn that provides adequate protection against the risks associated with the procedure or task being undertaken.

All PPE should be:

Reusable PPE 

Reusable PPE items, for example non-disposable goggles, face shields or visors must be cleaned/decontaminated once removed or placed within a designated container for subsequent cleaning/decontamination with decontamination schedules in place and responsibility assigned.

Reusable PPE must be cleaned/decontaminated as per manufacturers instructions or in line with local policies or procedures.


Further information on best practice for PPE use for SICPs can be found in Appendix 15.

PPE for visitors

Gloves must:

Double gloving is only recommended during some Exposure Prone Procedures (EPPs), for example orthopaedic and gynaecological operations or when attending major trauma incidents and when caring for a patient with a suspected or known High Consequence Infectious disease.  Double gloving is not necessary at any other time.


For appropriate glove use and selection see Appendix 5.

Further information can be found in the Gloves literature review.

Aprons must be:

Full body gowns/fluid repellent coveralls must be:

The choice of apron or gown is based on a risk assessment and anticipated level of body fluid exposure. Routine sessional use of gowns/aprons is not permitted.

Sterile surgical gowns must be:

Reusable gowns must:

If hand hygiene with soap and water is required, this should not be performed whilst wearing an apron/gown in line with a risk of apron/gown contamination; hand hygiene using ABHR is acceptable.


Further information can be found in the Aprons/Gowns literature review.

Eye/face protection must:

Prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses should not be considered a form of eye or face protection


Further information can be found in the eye/face protection literature review.

Fluid Resistant Type IIR surgical face masks must be:

Transparent face masks

Transparent face masks may be used to aide communication with patients in some settings.

Transparent face masks must:



Further information can be found in:

Footwear must be:

Footwear found to be defective should be repaired or replaced before further use.

Overshoes/shoe covers should not be used in the general health and care environment.


Further information can be found in the footwear literature review.

Headwear must be:


Further information can be found in the headwear literature review

For the recommended method of putting on and removing PPE see video below and Appendix 6.

The correct order for donning, doffing and disposal of PPE for healthcare workers  from NHS National Services Scotland on Vimeo.

PPE for visitors

PPE may be offered to visitors to protect them from acquiring a transmissible infection. 

If a visitor declines to wear PPE when it is offered then this should be respected and the visit must not be refused.  PPE use by visitors cannot be enforced and there is no expectation that staff monitor PPE use amongst visitors. However, if staff or visitors identify the need for PPE, advice on its correct use should be provided by staff.

Visitors do not routinely require PPE unless they are providing direct care to the individual they are visiting.  

The table below shows the PPE which should be worn where appropriate and when the visitor chooses to do so.


IPC Precaution



Face covering/mask

Eye/Face Protection

Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs)

Not required*1

Not required*2

Where splash/spray to nose/mouth is anticipated during direct care

Where splash/spray to eyes/face is anticipated during direct care

Transmission Based Precautions (TBPs)

Not required*1

Not required*2

If within 2 metres of service user with suspected or known respiratory infection

If within 2 metres of service user with suspected or known respiratory infection

*1 unless providing direct care which may expose the visitor to blood and/or body fluids i.e. toileting.

*2 unless providing care resulting in direct contact with the service user, their environment or blood and/or body fluid exposure i.e. toileting, bed bath.