Water Safety Group (WSG)
Each NHS board should have a multidisciplinary water safety group. SHTM 04-01 part B describes in detail the role, responsibilities and membership of the WSG.
As a minimum this WSG should:
- have in place board water safety plans (WSP)
- identify high-risk patient groups and areas across all healthcare settings and include these in the WSP
- high-risk patients can receive care or treatment out with high-risk settings (for example theatres or radiology) and this should also be considered within the WSP
- review all uses of water within healthcare settings and include these in water safety plans
- review risk assessments and water safety plans on a pre-agreed frequency (minimum annually) and when there are alterations, repairs, changes of use, building works, and incidents.
- have ongoing input throughout any new build or refurbishment project process including commissioning, handover and any associated HAI-SCRIBE
- have general oversight of water quality across the NHS board area
- confirm that water is of potable quality and that any other minimum testing requirements are being met
- ensure routine water testing is being undertaken where required
- review results, provide assurance and/or act upon out of specification water testing results
- ensure that clear responsibilities are defined for the interpretation, dissemination and actions of water results
- be assured that flushing requirements across the NHS board are being met including those areas which have low or altered occupancy and any which are unoccupied
- have an agreed plan regarding point of use (POU) filters which includes their requirement, selection, fitting, ongoing maintenance and their review
- ensure that HCWs, patients and care givers are supported to comply with and understand the importance of safe use of water practices
- comply with the roles and responsibilities as described in SHTM 04-01 Part B