4.1.3 Safe clinical care

Safe use of water

It is important that the potential HAI risks from water systems are understood by those delivering care, specifically the potential transmission routes for water system-associated organisms, which can include:

Minimise patient contact with tap water

Staff should consider the location and proximity of high-risk patients to tap water, drains and any associated splashing or spraying.

Alternatives to tap water, such as cleansing wipes, hand rub and water free shampoos should be considered while taking into account patient needs, patient choice and infection risk.

Use of sterile water 


Powdered infant formulas should be prepared using freshly boiled water according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Frozen breast milk should be defrosted in one of the following ways:

Any water free warming devices should be single patient use, and stored in an appropriate, clean and patient identifiable container, with a fitted lid.

Once defrosted, any unused milk should be discarded in accordance with local waste policy and never disposed of via a clinical wash hand basin (CWHB).

Use of ice

Installation of ice machines should be by approval of the Water Safety Group (WSG) and in accordance with manufacturer instructions and SHTM 04-01 Part A . A WSG approved cleaning, maintenance and audit schedule should also be in place.

Ice for consumption
Ice for treatment