Patient management
- Patient Placement, Isolation and cohorting: Standard Infection Control and Transmission Based Infection Control Precautions (Version 2.0, October 2021)
- Cough etiquette/respiratory hygiene (Version 3.0, September 2021)
- Infection Prevention and Control During Care of the Deceased (Version 3.1, April 2023)
- Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs) (Version 1.6, September 2021)
- SBAR: AGPs current situation for Scotland (v1.2, 10 February 2023)
- SBAR: Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGP UK List (v1.0, September 2021)
- SBAR: Assessing the evidence base for medical procedures which create a higher risk of respiratory infection transmission from patient to healthcare worker
(Version 1.2, 14 May 2021)